Chris Wallace, September, 2011
Chris is the chief corporate pilot for the Jones Companies of Columbia, MS. When he isn't flying he enjoys hunting and occasionally runs across some unexpected game, like this six foot diamond-back rattlesnake; nothing that his Sig .357 pistol can't handle. Chris and I have trained together on the Phenom 100 at CAE Simuflite since 2009.
Mark Coker, January 31, 2006
Mark Coker and a college buddy at the 19,340 foot summit of Kilimanjaro. Mark says they had an outstanding guide service that got all seven climbers to the top and back, safe and sound, ages 40-69. An amazing experience. They wrapped the trip with a safari in Maasai land, smack dab in the middle of the Wildebeast migration and also saw up close elephants, lions, zebras, buffalo, vultures and too many exotic birds to name. Mark was glad to get back to sea level where the greater barometric pressure allows ample oxygen and proper digestive function.
Lisa Rafferty, January 9, 2004
On her first parachute jump at Skydive San Diego in Jamul, California. Lisa jumped from 13,000 feet and enjoyed the long view down as she free fell at 120 mph for 40 seconds. After that the ride under the parachute (Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!) took about four minutes. Lisa is a Senior Web Developer at and finds skydiving relaxing after the daily stresses at work.

Entire Photo
John Green, October 15, 2000
Setting the Guiness World Record for riding the most rollercoasters in a 24 hour period. The team rode 40 rollercoasters in the 24 hours. The photo was taken just before being launched on Superman, The Escape at Six Flags Magic Mountain, Valencia, CA, the eighth and final amusement park they visited.

Danny Falkoff, circa 1978
On the wing of a Starduster one freezing morning - at least in an open cockpit - at Minuteman Stow airport.

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'Auyuittuq' - The Land that Never Melts
Paul Nopper
Paul is an Internet acquantance who lives in Ancaster, Ontario Canada about 40 miles from Toronto. In 2000, he flew across some of the most beautiful - and desolate - mountain terrain in the world. This is his story.
Baffin 2002

Bob's Bonanza at Santa Maria, The Azores
Bob Reiss, July 2002
Bob flew his turbine-powered Bonanza from Palm Springs, CA to Germany in July, 2002. He used the Azores route for both Atlantic crossings. As Bob says... "The leg from St Johns in Newfoundland to Santa Maria in the Azores was 7hrs 37min. Seeing the runway is an extraordinary emotion. The return leg was 8hrs 44min and seeing St Johns was a great relief!"
Bob has made several around-the-world trips in his turbine-powered Bonanza. In Aug - Sep 2003, Bob made his fourth Around The World Flight. Halfway through the Tarawa to Hawaii leg he passed just south of Typhoon Jimena.

Johann Finkelmeier in Wave over Sugarbush, Vermont
Johann Finkelmeier, October 2003
Johann has often flown in Sugarbush's wave. Some sailplane pilots have climbed as high as 25,000 feet but today the wave was weak and Johann only got to 8,200 feet. Still the view of Lincoln Peak's first snow of the season was spectacular.